Three Things Tag!

Hi everyone! The awesome Skulda tagged me for this a few days ago, thank you! I won't be tagging anyone as I have been out of the loop for days, but if you want to do this then please do and link it here! :D

Three names I go by:

1. gildedangel (as you all know me ;) )
2. Samantha
3. Sam

Three jobs I have had:

1. Babysitter
2. Undergrad Lab Assistant
3. Undergrad Researcher

Three places I have lived:

1. Portland, OR
2. New York City, NY
3. Salt Lake City, UT

Three favorite drinks Non Alcoholic:

1. Diet Coke
2. Chocolate Milk
3. Tea
Three favorite drinks Alcoholic:

1. I don't drink at all, not 21 yet! ;)
Three TV shows I watch:

1. Colbert Report
2. South Park
3. Uhh, the news?

Three places I have been (kind of an ambiguous question...):

1. Paris, France
2. London, UK
3. Baton Rouge, LA
Three places I would like to visit:

1. Russia
2. Australia
3. New Zealand
Three people who text (or bbm) me regularly:

1. My mom
2. My boyfriend
3. One of my best friends
Three favorite old TV shows:

1. The Angry Beavers
2. Are You Being Served?
3. Jeeves and Wooster
Three favorite dishes

1. Ramen
2. Ravioli
3. Mashed Potatoes

Three makeup/beauty products I cannot live without:

1. Nail Polish
2. Foundation
3. Eyeliner

Three things I’m looking forward to:

1. My conference next month.
2. Summertime!
3. My birthday next month! :)