Lacquer Link Love for 3/5/2010

Tuli's Nails shares her festivities during Purim with us and creates a colorful manicure that's perfect for the celebration.

Chromatic Misadventures brings us a host of Models Own swatches this week in an array of colors
Phresh Mentality found a little inspiration in Rihanna's Rude Boy video for the phresh design she's brought us this week.

Have nail issues or questions you'd like to discuss with a nail specialist? Well get your questions ready because polishSWATCHES is starting a new blog series called "Nail Talk"... with celebrity manicurist Tashina, from Poochiez Nail Studio in Atlanta. Submit your questions by using the contact form at the top of the blog page.

Polishg the Nails shows off Adore from China Glaze. Have you ever seen this color from the 2009 Romantique collection?

Naive Nails channels the orient to bring us a a very pretty konadicure she's called the Jaded Tiger.

The Swatchaholic was able to get her hands on the Essence Cute as Hell collection and brings us some wonderful swatches of all the pretty pastel colors.

Travel with Euridice is sharing a Color Club Color that you absolutely have to get your hands on this spring. Or should I say on your hands?! :)

Polish Galore is showing off some hologram goodness. Hint: This color is sure to have you LOL. ;)

Manicure Mommas shed a little light on the new fun and quirky polish brand called Cheeky Monkey.

and Polish Freak is showing off a color that has set the polish world on fire.

Helen's Nice Things wants you to know they have a brand spanking new site AND a new web address at.... Just Nice Things! So have a visit and change your blogrolls accordingly from to

And now.....Giveaways!!!
The Konadomania Giveaway in honor of her gaining 100 blog followers
The Chromatic Misadventures Giveaway in honor of her gaining 300 blog followers
Congratulations Ladies!!!

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