Movies, Kitty and Mini Haul Randomness!

Hi everyone! This is one of my few and far between random posts, and it is long and pic heavy, so beware!

First I will talk about the movie that just came out this weekend, Alice in Wonderland, because several of you want to know what I thought of it. This is the first movie that I have ever seen in an IMax or in 3D much less on opening weekend! My boyfriend took me to go see it, and he got us really great seats. Overall I really liked the movie! I loved the first 3/4 of it, but I found the last 1/4 to be kind of generic and predictable. Not the best movie ever, but I still really enjoyed it. If I could walk around like Anne Hathaway's character all the time I totally would! And Stephen Fry as the Cheshire Cat was a big win in my book!

Now lately it seems like all of the nail bloggers have been posting pictures of their kitties. Now since I live away from home, I can't take a picture of my kitty for a few more weeks until I go home for Spring Break. So instead I bring you pictures of my boyfriend's kitty Autumn! Isn't she cute?!?

Look who's curled up in the tree!

What's up there kitty?

Why are you hiding behind the computer monitor silly?

Doesn't she look comfy in my arms?

She sleeps a lot lol!

And finally, my boyfriend and I stopped by Rite-Aid, and look what I found! More Nailene pens! Now I have one of every color. I plan on doing another review covering all of them, like a take 2 of the review. Yep, I like these so much that I went and bought some myself! I got Pearl Pink and Black on super clearance, I think I picked them up for a little over a dollar each on super clearance, but to be honest I would have gotten them whether they were on sale or not. I picked up extras of these too to add to the next giveaway pile ;) Hope you enjoyed the random post, I know that a lot of you like these!

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