interesting and more

My bf recently started his blog Look Made You Think ~ it's about certain things that we are aware about in our lives. At first, you don't think that certain events impact us but after reading his blogposts, it opened my eyes up more and made me think because of all the meaning behind it. His recent post, "Vision is a Privilege Awarded to Few" is really interesting because it had me thinking. I witnessed this event the day it happened. (read side story for my account). I believed what had happened was the truth according to the media, but after listening and thinking for myself, I do believe that it is something 'someone' is trying to cover up. Another post that I found mindblowing was "Coincidence or Something More." It's really interesting to me because 2 of the "greatest" presidents were assassinated, the facts are very SIMILAR for both cases and I find that to be just so "whoa" that it's unexplainable. He also has other posts that I have come to agree with; no not just because he's my bf, but because I actually understand his standpoint and views. With that in mind, please check out his blog from time to time; and maybe follow his blog because it's interesting and pass it along. It would really make his day because he wants to be able to share his thoughts on many current issues today to many people around the world.

Side Story: I remember clearly that everyone ran towards the windows because there were thick black clouds of smoke from one specific area. I didn't know what happened but there was a lot of panic & my classmates got picked up to go home early. I was in 5th grade when that happened, the only thing in my mind was jealousy; that they got to go home early while I moped in school. But when I got to my grandmother's house, like I regularly do on a daily basis after school, I finally understood what had happened. My family members had to walk across the bridge just to get back home in Brooklyn. I remember hearing that my aunt worked in that building and I was worried for her and my parents. When my parents got home, some relief came out of me. When I saw my aunt, I was relieved that she got out safe. I also remember her telling me that she couldn't grab much especially her credit cards and purse, just whatever she got quick. The aftermath of this "attack" crippled the nation and I "understood" what had happened, who and why.

and more
Barielle is having a sale on their nail polish (Shades) to be exact. Buy 2, Get 1 Free! & FREE shipping for orders over $50. I ordered: A Bouquet for Ava, Belly Dance, Blackened-Bleu, Decadence, Falling Star, Lava-Rock, Myrza's Meadow, Slate of Affairs, Swizzle Stix and Uninhibited. I intentionally ordered 10 so that there's just enough to make the free shipping mark. Click on Barielle to get your own Barielle Shades! :)

hope you enjoyed,

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  • interesting and moreinterestingMy bf recently started his blog Look Made You Think ~ it's about certain things that we are aware about in our lives. At first, you don't t… Read More...