From the Vault

Today's post is a favorite from the vault, at first I thought the pictures I took were crappy, which some were.. since they were a bit blurry. But I found 1 good picture and it makes me reminisce about my long nails. I'm getting there! Unfortunately as I was running today to catch the train to work, my favorite ring fingernail on my left hand broke on the side! I had to shave it down a bit. But I definitely didn't want to chop all my nails, or I'd get sad again lol. I think long nails makes me happy :)

China Glaze Rainstorm
It's a cornflower blue type (similar to Essie Lapis of Luxury) with blue microglitters. You can't see the microglitters clearly but it's kind of subtle rather than the "in your face" glitters. :P I believe this was either 2-3 coats and 1 layer of top coat.

Hope you enjoyed & happy polishing!~
Don't forget my CSN giveaway is ending today at 11:59pm EST!!
and my 300+ follower giveaway will end on March 26, 2011
*click the pictures on the sidebar to enter!

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