Cute Packing Method

So, in Asia, they have the cutest ... 
well ... EVERYTHING.
Instead of having silver and boring
mundane kitchen items you can get  
for example - cute, pink, lovely ones. 
They have amazing packaging for the 
most random beauty products and 
everything we have...they seem
to make it better, cuter and its always
cheaper ! Gosh I just love it !
So, I found another thing
that is so cute, makes so much sense
and of course is Korean.

Look at the way some girls pack :

Isnt it so adorable !?
Some ppl put their items into little 
vinyl bags. Usually you buy them in a set 
in Korea which comes in diff sizes...
big ones for pants and tops and 
smaller ones
for bits and bobs. 

First the roll up their tees and pants
and then they pop them into the
bags so that everything is organized.

They also have drawstring bags for 

shoes which is so smart as shoes have 
a ridiculous amount of yucky dirt on them. 
You wouldn't wanna just throw them
in with your undies and clothing. Of 
course you can just use normal 
plastic bags but these are sooo cute. 

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