Another Winner & Mani.

Since Sue didn't respond to me within 48 hours (I gave an extra day), I picked another winner randomly. The new winner is joanne.j ! Congratuations and thank you so much for your input on your entry into the giveaway! I will definitely try to post more pedicures although I don't like my feet at all x___x; maybe I'll crop them out. Anyways Joanne, I hope you get back to me within 48 hours or I'll have to pick another winner.

And as an extra, here's one of my new favorite plain but beautiful mani.

The manicure below is OPI Reserve from their Designer Series. It's a beautiful pink mauve which holographic shine. The holographic isn't very noticeable, but you can see most of it in the light. For the mani., I used 2 coats of Reserve and 1 coat of Seche top coat. I love this color! It's such a 'reserved' or conservative color with a twist, a holographic twist that makes it conventional and non-conventional at the same time! Totally awesome! And if you noticed the ring, I picked that up at H&M because when I saw it, I knew I had to have it! ^_______^; They had it in gold too but I'm not that fond of gold jewelry, lol.

Hope you enjoyed,

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