Great for those times when you are super bored !
You can freakin download all the Japanese
Mag Scans you want ! seriously. I cant take this.
How did I not know about this site before ?!
Im so overly excited I dont know what to do
with myself.
Here is the link :
I just downloaded S Cawaii October 2010
I used the File Factor url (Link #2)
It kinda makes you wait for like a minute but it
will start dont worry. If you have trouble let me know.
The only problem is that if you download over 150 MB,
you have to wait for another hour to get a different mag.
Usually you can only get 1 magazine per hour
which is still okay. But, if the certain magazine you
want has different links available
to go to different downloading sites...then you can get
more !
For example when I went to download my
second mag ( Vivi November 2010 )
I used a link which was in Chinese instead
of File Factor.
I was lost at first but my friend suggested that I just click
on the button with the arrow pointing down !
& it worked !

But shhhh...keep this your secret !
The more popular a (illegal) site gets the
more likely it will come down : (