My Ideal Apartment Style

So I love the Korean actress Choi Kang Hee.

I have seen most things that she has been in.
I especially love the character she played in
the movie " My Love" and the Drama
"My Sweet Seoul"
This drama was very simple and
real...not too over the top...
No crazy rich, jealous, cancer patient
craziness ... just simple and cute.

I enjoyed the drama "My Sweet Seoul" also
because of the general style and the artistic
sorts of components
The main characters friend had a unique
jewelry shop and I liked the way
Choi Kang Hee dressed as well....

But the thing that stood out to me...
the thing that I remember most
is her apartment in the drama.
It was mix matched, vintage, adorable,
slightly messy but in just the right way.
I love it !
Korea really takes the prize for
interior design in my eyes. If you haven't
been there - the cafes for example
are so adorably decorated with an
indie, cozy feel. I have never
seen anything like it ! I will post
an example video below.
Click 480p for better quality.

I have been to this cafe :

Im not into luxurious, plain
interior design at this point in my life.
I much prefer an artsy comfortable feel.
Perhaps Urban Outfitters has
pieces that could create this sort of
Im hoping in September I will
be able to decorate my new apartment
in this way.

Anyway - I just thought I would share : )

BTW - You can watch it HERE
I cant find one with better quality -
maybe you can google it
or download a torrent : )

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