Versatile Blogger Award

To accept the Versatile Blogger Award there are some rules to follow:
1. Thank and link back to who gave you the award.
2. Share seven things about yourself.
3. Pass it along to seven blogs you’ve recently discovered and enjoy.
4. Leave your recipients a note, telling them about the award.

Thank you so much RinnieRiot for this award! This means a lot to me because this blog is mainly about nails but I'm slowly (very I might add :X) transitioning into more beauty stuff, or I hope to! So this means a lot to me and it's encouraging me to transition a bit quicker haha!

Seven things about me:
1. I love kids, mainly my baby cousins! :) I take care of them and play with them so they grow up to always hug me :P
2. I love Korean pop music, although I haven't kept up with it.
3. I have a subconscious memory for music when I hear it on the radio :P There was one time when Cyndi Lauper's Time After Time came on and my dad asked me how I knew the song and I told him I heard it on the radio a lot.
4. I love Hello Kitty and so do my baby cousins; they say "kitty" when they see her on my phone wallpaper.
5. My family is pretty close and love to tell jokes, except one part of my family has the old traditional non-humour mentality.
6. I have a new found adorement for LUSH! Especially the whole hand treatment (will blog about later!)
7. In kindergarten, my teacher put me in ESL (English as Second Language) because they thought I didn't understand English since I was always quiet. But in fact, I knew English and what they were talking about. :( So I was stuck in ESL until 4th grade. :(

Seven Blogs
1. The Art of Nails
2. The Nail Experiment
3. Squared Nails
4. Body Soul Beauty
5. Ash-Lilly's Lacquer Lust
6. My Nail Polish Addiction
7. Right on the Nail

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