Day 44
Happy Thanksgiving, everyone!!! What are you thankful for? I am thankful for my friends and family, my health, the fact that I am able to spend the holidays with my family, whom I don't get to see much anymore since I moved 2,000 miles away, for YOU guys, and the success of my blog project, and all the little things that make my life what it is.
Today's nails are a throwback of sorts, back to the days of our youth, when drawing a turkey meant slapping your hand on a piece of paper, tracing it, and drawing on a beak....voila! TURKEY! I thought it'd be funny to do something silly today, especially since I didn't have a ton of time with all my traveling to get back to the midwest for my family dinner. :) Kinda bummed that in the pic of my hand, you can't really see the turkey's face. Booooo. :( You get the idea from the close-up though, I hope.

the close-up:

I used Zoya Envyfor the pinky, China Glaze 2030 from Khrome Collection for my ring finger, Zoya Dakota for my middle finger, OPI Ginger Bells for my index finger, and Nubar Milk Chocolate Creme for my thumb. The black used for the lines is Zoya Raven and I mixed China Glaze White on White with each individual color for highlights. The beak and the beard of the turkey are done with Migi Nail Art Pens. Everything was topped off with 2 coats of Seche Vite top coat, as usual.
Ok, I'm pretty sure I ate my weight in stuffing. Nap time!
Gobble, Gobble!