Day 30
Today's nails are inspired by the fur above some (awesome) men's lips. So many iconic mustaches over the years... Dali's, Einstein's, Selleck's. ;) Today, I tip my proverbial hat to those men amazing enough to sport a 'stache.
I did all different mustaches today, from the 'fu' to the 'Dali' to the 'pornstache'. There are even the Einstein, Selleck, and 'trucker' for you to peruse... I've even done my best impression of the iconic Dali portrait.

I used China Glaze White on White as a base with Zoya Charlize over top to create a flesh tone, and the mustaches are painted with a mix of Zoya Angelina and Nubar Milk Chocolate Creme. I then topped it off with two coats of Seche Vite Top Coat, which is the shiz, it makes your nails dry super quick and shine like glass! I recently discovered this, so I'm totally in the Honeymoon stage with it. :)