I did the first set months ago and totally forgot to post it up. Until I recently did her nails again only did I realised that. -.- Yes I guessed you all should have seen this set of nails posted by her months ago... she is Qing. Love this girl and her nonsense. HAHA. You can enjoy her nonsense here. =D

Baby blue with soft glitter, with lace and white bows! She designed her own nails. ;D
She always knows what designs she wants (sometimes v complicated?) and I always try to psycho her into doing something simpler (save time and energy cos her nails are very tiny, very difficult to draw ahhhh). Am I complaining or what? Hahaahaha.

The second set which I just did for her in Dec! Again, she modified and created her own design. :) For colors and design like this, we usually extend and paint them with nail polish. But I love to create them using gel colours cos the colours won't ever chip and they're so glossy!