Let's Get To Know Each Other Tag!

The awesome Nihrida tagged me for this! Thanks Nihrida, you are so sweet! The rules are to answer the questions and tag 10 others!

1. Where is your phone? In my pocket.

2. Your hair? Looks kinda gross, but there is no reason to wash it unless I am going somewhere.

3. Your Mom? At home getting stuff done for Christmas.

4. Your Dad? At home working hard.

5. Your favorite meal? Pizza for sure!

6. Your last dream? I don't dream, or at least I never remember my dreams at all.

7. What do you like to drink? Diet Coke and Crystal Light.

8. Your dream? To live in Europe.

9. In what room are you? My dorm room.

10. Your hobby? Blogging, knitting and sleeping.

11. What are you afraid of? Death.

12. Last travel? Europe (France and UK)

13. Where were you last night? In my dorm room. Because I do not go out on Friday nights. :(
14. Something you are not? A Blendtec Total Blender.

15. Muffins? I love blueberry, but my body thinks that I am allergic after a bad case of muffin food poisoning. Now I puke everytime I eat them.

16. Wishlist? My lemming list on the side ;)

17. Where did you grow up? Boise, ID, USA

18. Last thing you did? Had breakfast in the disgusting dorm cafeteria.

19. What are you wearing? Jeans and a sweater.

20. Your television? A Phillips Magnavox from 1995 :)

21. Your pet(s)? 1 cat and 5 finches.

22. Your friends? Are all over this great big world.

23. Your life? Stressful and exhausting.

24. Your temper? Likes to show itself. A lot.

25. Do you miss someone? Yes.

26. Your car? Is not with me.

27. Something you don't bring with you? A Blendtec Total Blender.

28. Your favorite shop? Sally's

29. Your favorite color? Purple

30. Last time you laughed? Just now.

31. Last time you cried? A couple of weeks ago.

32. Your best friend? Is sitting right next to me :)

33. A place where you can go again and again? My room.

34. Facebook? Yes, I have one for my personal life.

35. Favorite place to eat? My parent's house.

So here is who I tag:
April and Ashley
Daily Nail
Painted Lady Fingers
Kellie Gonzo

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