Mattified China Glaze: Creams/Glitters

Hello everyone! To continue my mattified series, I bring you all of my glitters and creams from China Glaze! They are (from thumb to pinky) Fairy Dust, For Audrey, Ruby Pumps, Emerald Sparkle, and Lubu Heels. Aren't they pretty? Below are the glossy pics for comparison. Do you agree or disagree with me on which finish is better?

For Audrey - I love this one matte, I love how flat it can look!

Ruby Pumps - I don't really like this one matte as much, the glossy version seems to have so much more dimension and sparkle!

Emerald Sparkle - Same as Ruby Pumps; I like it better glossy!

Lubu Heels - I did not like this one matte at all, it just looks grey with some scattered red glitters.

Fairy Dust - I love it both ways!