Even though she only puts a few eng subtitles - Im totally
addicted to this channel ! She completely inspires
me to want to be better in GENERAL...but especially
in regards to my skin. My sasa haul was inspired
by people like her and xpinkxx. Its great having
someone else giving you advice, like an older sister.
(Im an only child btw)
I prefer her to Michelle Phan in a way because
she is so real. Michelle does those odd poses
at the end of her videos & it freaks me out a bit.
I do love her but...I feel like Queenie is more
open to show the real her.

My purchase of the Loreal Go 360 Clean was inspired
by the video below...& I am totalllly in love with the
little scrublets. I often use it with my other cleansers
such as my Mandom Green Tea cleanser. It works soo well
& its super durable but gentle on the skin !
I started off with the blue one (sensitive skin)
and today I bought the green one which is the regular
gel cleanser. Part of the reason I bought a second one
before I even finished my first is solely
for the scrublet. I want to be able to do what
she does with 2 on my nose !
I love taking baths just like her & she gave
an amazing tip of adding some tea bags into yourhot bath water. Super natural and detoxifying !
She just has so many great ideas that she learned
from pros & her own experience.
P.S - If anyone out there knows Cantonese,
please let me know some stuff she is saying
where there is no subs ^ ^ Thanks !
Who is your fav beauty guru besides Michelle Phan ?