Zebra Nails

Zebra nails are always fun. 
I will share some tips of what
helps me to do them esp on my
non-dominant hand.

Use the brush to create thick lines by applying 

Interweave the lines from one side of the nail 
and then do the other side.

Look at a photo on the internet of a zebra print and 
copy the individual lines.

Just dont leave too much space empty - fill it up
& you will come out with something decent.

On your non-dominant hand it helps to move your fingers
as you drag the brush - so twist your nail toward or
away from the brush for a cleaner line. 

Start with the Triangle either on the side, top or bottom
of your nail - this makes it a lot easier to fill up
the nail with other sorts of lines and makes it more realistic.

Practice drawing the lines on a piece of paper before
starting - you may see that painting on your nails
is even easier.

Here is my most recent Zebra Nail Tutorial :