After removing my makeup with my
Ponds Cold Cream & Wet Cleansing Tissues
I wash my face with Loreals Go 360
Clean. What attracted my attention to this
was the silicone scrubbie thing
which a lot of places in asia sell by itself.
I could never find any
so I was excited to give this product a go.
I probably wouldnt even have bought it
if it wasnt for the scrublet...
I have the one for sensitive skin.

I massage the cleanser into my face for around
2 mins and as I rinse it off I keep using the scrublet.
I noticed it really gives me the motivation to
pay attention to cleansing my face throughly and
it makes me just want to keep rubbing away.
Its soo fun to use ! I was thinking of
buying a Clarisonic but with a cheap little
silicone thingy , you can still get a
super clean face.

After using it - I follow it up with my
Cetaphil Gentle Skin Cleanser for
Normal/Oily skin to reap all the benefits
of it for my acne prone skin.
The reason for this is that the purpose of the
360 one for me is just to get every last drop
of makeup off.
But, I still need my Cetaphil .
However, in the morning I only use my Cetaphil
with the silicone scrubbie.
It realllly has helped me keep down my need to
use blackhead pore strips.
( I use the ones by Etude house BTW.
They work soo much better
than the Biore ones ! )
Overall - Im loving this routine at
the moment : )

I also have Kai Cleansing Brushes
which are super great
because if you buy 2
you can just wash your face so easily.
Your pointer finger slips right up
into the little pocket so its great !
Im planning to give one or 2 away in an
upcoming contest.
These are available on