Fixing a Broken Nail

So this was my nail as of about a week ago. I grabbed a chair to pull it ou from under a desk and this happened. Why Nail Envy, why?!? Why didn't you stop this?

Thankfully it didn't hurt even though it technically went into the quick (the pink part), but only the top layer of the quick peeled off at the edge of the nail. I tried to use super glue and it worked for a few days, but eventually it would break at different layers and it just wasn't staying on. So I cut it. :( Now it looks super stumpy in comparison to the rest of my nails.

I got a little forwarded Christmas money, so I went to go buy the little thing of Qtica because it does hurt when I use the end of my thumb for stuff and I need the nail to grow out over it. Thus in a couple of weeks; you will see a post showing the "Great Qtica Experiment". I am taking pictures of the nail every three days to see if it really helps or not.

Sorry about the rambling story, this is the first time that I have ever even grown my nails out long enough to get a nail break like this. Sigh, such is the life of someone who wants longer nails, right?

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  • Fixing a Broken NailSo this was my nail as of about a week ago. I grabbed a chair to pull it ou from under a desk and this happened. Why Nail Envy, why?!? Why didn't you … Read More...