102nd Post!

Hello everyone! This is my 102nd post, and the day before yesterday was actually my 3 month anniversary and 100th post for this blog! Oh the nostalgia! I actually meant to do this for the 100th post, but I kind of forgot about it, so it is a little late. Feel free to take this chance to check out some of my early postsfrom July, I was not very talented (thus the name Naive Nails!). I started this blog when I realized that I was becoming obsessed with nail polish, and I wanted to archive everything that I learned and my experiments and journey throught nail polish. Literally every polish I own is archived on this blog except for some recent ones that I haven't gotten to review for you yet!

I feel like I have really improved at nail polish, although I am nowhere near perfect. I apply it better now and I take MUCH better pictures than I used to! Again, I am still not perfect but I don't claim to be. Thank all of you for reading and following; it's nice to know that people enjoy and are helped from my ramblings about chemicals that I place on my nails to make them more aesthetically pleasing. I also really want to thank those whose blogs I read, you guys have taught me so much! Sorry, I just really felt like being sappy and cheesy today, I love you all and regular posting will resume tomorrow!

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  • 102nd Post!Hello everyone! This is my 102nd post, and the day before yesterday was actually my 3 month anniversary and 100th post for this blog! Oh the nost… Read More...