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Lots of bridal nails!Sorry for the lack of updates! I've been doing sets and sets of bridal nails and loving them. The nail session never gets bored with brides to be. Boo… Read More...
Essie Rose BowlHey everyone! Today I am bringing you a swatch of a really fun color that I found in a mini! This is Essie's Rose Bowl, and I really like this color a… Read More...
Magazine scans from CanCam May 2010 CanCam isn't a nail mag so there are just a few pages about nails, but they are really cute! They used OPI Honk Kong collection and Alice in Wonderla… Read More...
Collistar Mascara Infinito....altro punto di vista!Astasia ve ne aveva parlato qui ma io ve lo ripropongo per evidenziare quanto l'efficacia dei prodotti che usiamo per il trucco o per la cura del corp… Read More...
Worn...out.Hola!! Today's nails are fairly simple, I used tape to tape off stripes, then sponged different colors from each side of the nail over the base color… Read More...