"You Make Me Smile Award!"

Hello everyone! I have been tagged by the awesome Mighty Lambchop from Lambchop Mobile. Her blog really makes me smile, she has the cutest game-day manis and is such a great internet friend to me!

Now first is the song that makes me smile, and although a lot of songs make me smile, I just love this one. Yes, you are all going to think that I am weird, but I am super immersed in the Irish/Scottish American culture. My dad even plays the bagpipes, and well to boot. He won 2 medals in his first competition, a gold and a silver! Now this band doesn't have music videos; they go around to different festivals so here is a video from one of their live performances. So here is my favorite bagpiping band, the Wicked Tinkers playing Wallop the Cat, thank you to Liz whotold me how to embed the video! :)

And now to tag blogs that make me smile :) I want to feature some bloggers who are fantastic and not getting enough attention IMO.

Amused Polish - She has fantastic swatches and I love to read her posts. She has only been blogging a month but her blog is great!

Lemming Monster - only adds to my lemming list! She has great polishes and lovely nails; I love her posts!

Short 'n Chic - Betsy and Stephanie have a really great blog, they post very often and they do great swatches! They swatch brands I have never heard of and some of the best polishes on the market, and they are so funny!

THE Mani Blog - She posts super cute manis and does fantastic nail art; her blog is really inspiring!

If you haven't been tagged yet, feel free to do your own! Love you all, I'll have another post tommorow! :)

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