7 Choices Tag - Blue!

The inspirational Asami from Nails by Asami tagged me for blue! She originally tagged me as green but I already did green, and she was nice enough to pick a different color for me to do! I love this tag!

1. My computer - I have a Gateway T-Series in blue, this is the computer that I blog on and such!

2. Escada Moon Sparkle - my favorite perfume! It smells like strawberries but it isn't little girly. I got it almost half-off at Nordstrom Rack.

3. China Glaze For Audrey - my favorite blue polish for many reasons!

4. Massager - my back massager that my boyfriend got me. It is from Bath and Body Works.

5. Cactus - As you may remember from the green tag that I did, I had a baby cactus in a green jar. Well this one is in a blue jar, I got it from my mother!

6. Sense and Sensibilty - Jane Austen is my favorite author, this was the first full story that she published; but not the first one she wrote.

7. Beach shoes - these shoes are the closest things that I have to flip flops! I wear them to the pool because they match my swimsuit and they were on sale for five dollars at Payless!

As I have already tagged people in my first tag post, I tag all of you who have not done this yet to do black! Be sure to link it in the comments so that I can come see it!

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