10th Picture Tag!

I was tagged by the wonderful Pam from Nail-E-Glance to do this. I was never tagged when it was popular but this is an older tag, and frankly I am not going back through posts to see who was and wasn't tagged, so if you haven't done this tag yet; please do and post the link in my comments so that I can come see it! The rulez:
1. Open your pictures folder.
2. Open the first folder.
3. Go to the 10th picture in the folder and post it!

Here is my picture:

Isn't he cute!?! This is a baby raccoon that my mother rescued a few years ago from under my uncle's porch. Something happened to his mom and she never came back; he was the only survivor out of his siblings. They found him when the poor thing fell into the pool! Well of course it was Friday afternoon so we couldn't call animal control; so we took care of him for a couple of days until we could give him to a lady who was approved to rehabilitate racoons. He was so precious and fun; boy did he love cat formula!

Of course he was a wild animal and I do not recommend taking care of a wild animal without really knowing what you are doing. We never pet him (thus the gloves used to hold him) and never came into skin to skin contact; especially since we had other animals. You don't know where wild animals have been and you don't know what they could be carrying!

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