Day 15
Haha, I considered using another classic line from Buffalo Bill in 'Silence of the Lambs' but I figured it a tad inappropriate.. :-P Funny, but distasteful!
Day 4 of Halloween-themed nails! Sewn together skin- light skin, dark skin, tanned skin, I even threw a little zombie flesh in the mix. :-P The doctor that did this stitch job apparently needs a tad more practice....

I used
Zoya Charlize,
Zoya Gretchen, both of which work well for fleshtones,
Nubar Milk Chocolate Creme, and a Sally Girl polish for the green I didnt get a chance to look this morning, I'll add it to the post later! :) I used
Zoya Dakota to go over the seams with blood, and
Sally Hansen Nail Art Pen in Black for the stitches. :)
In the words of the immortal Jame Gumb... "Put the f-ing lotion in the basket!"
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