7 Choices Tag - Hot Pink!

Tiffany from Polish Me Pretty... has tagged me for the 7 Choices Tag, and the color she picked was Hot Pink! I actually don't own very many hot pink things, but here is what I found!

 1. Hot Pink Patent Leather Heels - I got these at Macy's on super clearance (same sale as the shoes from my green post) for about $25. They were priced at about $120! This is actually my favorite pair of shoes.

2. Binder - This is a binder that I use for school; it holds my notes and homework for "Statics and Strengths" and Thermodynamics I. I study engineering.

3. Crystal Light Strawberry Orange Banana - Mmmm, my favorite! It is so yummy! I can only buy it in my home state; for some reason they don't sell it where I live at school.

4. OPI Fuchsia Fling - My best hot pink/fuchsia nail polish!

5. MAC Sushi Flower Eyeshadow - my only actual pink eyeshadow!

6. Konad Scraper - This is a recent aquisition of mine, I have only just started using the Konad system and I like it so far!

7. BedHead After Party - One of the best hair products that I own! I love it! It makes my hair much easier to straighten.

Now, I already tagged people in my last post so I am not going to tag anyone specific again, but if you haven't been tagged yet and you want to participate, I will give you the color.........grey! Be sure to post a link of your post in the comments so I can come see!

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